Developer Hub
Retrieve Events Order List: /events/{event_uuid}/orders
This endpoint retrieves the list of orders placed for a specific event. It provides detailed information about the orders, including customer details, order items, and payment status.
→ Orders List permission must be granted from the application to view order list.
Use Case
This endpoint is typically used by event organisers to view the orders placed for their events. It is useful for managing and tracking ticket sales, understanding customer preferences, and monitoring payment statuses.
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
event_uuid | string | The unique identifier of the event for which orders are being retrieved. |
Query Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Allowed Value |
Description |
position |
number |
N/A |
Indicates the starting position in the dataset for data retrieval. |
rows |
number |
20 to 100 |
Limits the number of rows returned in the response. |
order_by |
enum |
created_ascending, created_descending, starting, name_ascending, name_descending |
Specifies the field and order to sort the results by. |
search_q |
string |
N/A |
Filter results by the customer's name or email address. |
occurrence |
datetime |
Local format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm |
Defines the event's occurrence date and time. |
session |
string |
A unique identifier (UUID format) |
A unique identifier for tracking the session or transaction. |
all_additional_info |
string |
1 or 0 |
When set to 1, includes all additional data, even if null or hidden by configuration. |
Request Body
No request body is required for this endpoint.
The response provides a detailed list of orders for the specified event, including order information such as the order's uuid, code, customer details (name, email, address), a link to download the order PDF, event details (name, date, settings), and the ordered items (products or tickets). Each item includes attributes like name, description, and price. The response also includes payment details, such as payment method, status, and date, as well as a summary of the order, including taxes, service fees, and the total amount. Pagination data is also provided to manage large datasets, showing the number of records, the current position, and available rows.
"orders": {
"uuid": "UUID",
"code": "ORDER_CODE",
"customer": {
"uuid": "CUSTOMER_UUID",
"user_id": "USER_ID",
"first_name": "FIRST_NAME",
"last_name": "LAST_NAME",
"email": "EMAIL",
"phone": "PHONE",
"image": "USER_IMAGE_URL",
"billing_address": {
"address_line1": "ADDRESS_LINE_1",
"address_line2": "ADDRESS_LINE_2",
"country": "COUNTRY",
"state": "STATE",
"city": "CITY",
"post_code": "POST_CODE"
"shipping_address": {
"address_line1": "ADDRESS_LINE_1",
"address_line2": "ADDRESS_LINE_2",
"country": "COUNTRY",
"state": "STATE",
"city": "CITY",
"post_code": "POST_CODE"
"order_pdf_link": "ORDER_PDF_LINK",
"event": {
"uuid": "EVENT_UUID",
"name": "EVENT_NAME",
"banner": [
"name": "BANNER_NAME",
"image": "BANNER_IMAGE_URL",
"primary": true
"thumb": "EVENT_THUMB_URL",
"event_start_on": {
"event_end_on": {
"utc": "EVENT_END_UTC",
"local": "EVENT_END_LOCAL"
"organisation_uuid": "ORG_UUID",
"type": "EVENT_TYPE",
"map_link": "EVENT_MAP_LINK",
"settings": {
"order_cancel": {
"enabled": false,
"type": "CANCEL_TYPE",
"duration": "CANCEL_DURATION",
"refund_amount_percent": "REFUND_PERCENT"
"include_tax_or_gst": false,
"company_registration_details": "COMPANY_REGISTRATION_DETAILS",
"organisation_entity_name": "ORG_ENTITY_NAME",
"dgr_status": false,
"is_enable_full_day": false,
"is_enable_service_charge": false,
"is_enable_datetime_conversion": false,
"is_enable_qr_code_on_tickets": true,
"is_enable_qr_code_individually_on_ticket": false
"organisation": {
"uuid": "ORG_UUID",
"name": "ORG_NAME",
"image": "ORG_IMAGE_URL",
"email": "ORG_EMAIL",
"phone": "ORG_PHONE",
"addresses": {
"address_line1": "ADDRESS_LINE_1",
"address_line2": "ADDRESS_LINE_2",
"country": "COUNTRY",
"state": "STATE",
"city": "CITY",
"post_code": "POST_CODE",
"timezone": "TIMEZONE"
"line_items": [
"serial": 1,
"product": {
"uuid": "PRODUCT_UUID",
"type": "PRODUCT_TYPE",
"attributes": [
"name": "PRODUCT_NAME",
"name": "PRODUCT_IMAGE",
"name": "EVENT_NAME",
"name": "SESSION_UUID",
"value": "SESSION_UUID"
"name": "SESSION_NAME",
"value": "SESSION_NAME"
"name": "EVENT_START_ON",
"value": {
"name": "EVENT_END_ON",
"value": {
"utc": "EVENT_END_UTC",
"local": "EVENT_END_LOCAL"
"name": "EVENT_IMAGE",
"value": [
"name": "BANNER_NAME",
"image": "BANNER_IMAGE_URL",
"primary": true
"name": "EVENT_ADDRESS",
"value": {
"latitude": "LATITUDE",
"longitude": "LONGITUDE",
"address": {
"address_line1": "ADDRESS_LINE_1",
"address_line2": "ADDRESS_LINE_2",
"country": "COUNTRY",
"state": "STATE",
"city": "CITY",
"post_code": "POST_CODE"
"name": "TICKET",
"value": {
"uuid": "TICKET_UUID",
"code": [
"type": "QR",
"value": "TICKET_CODE",
"ticket_reference_code": "TICKET_REFERENCE_CODE",
"digital_pass_url": "DIGITAL_PASS_URL",
"is_donation": false,
"is_enable_qr_code": true,
"seat": "SEAT_NUMBER",
"attendee": {
"uuid": "ATTENDEE_UUID",
"attributes": [],
"additional_details": {
"attributes": []
"quantity": 1,
"quantity_included": 1,
"price": {
"amount": "PRICE_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "PRICE_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"discount": {
"amount": "DISCOUNT_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "DISCOUNT_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"service_fee": {
"display_text": "SERVICE_FEE_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"processing_fee": {
"tax": {
"amount": "TAX_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "TAX_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"subtotal": {
"amount": "SUBTOTAL_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "SUBTOTAL_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"summary": {
"coupons": [],
"service_fee": {
"display_text": "SERVICE_FEE_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"processing_fee": {
"tax": {
"amount": "TAX_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "TAX_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"subtotal": {
"amount": "SUBTOTAL_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "SUBTOTAL_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"total": {
"amount": "TOTAL_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "TOTAL_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"total_tickets": {
"payments": {
"payment_amount": "PAYMENT_AMOUNT",
"method": "PAYMENT_METHOD",
"status": "PAYMENT_STATUS",
"date": {
"attributes": []
"timezone": "TIMEZONE",
"currency": "CURRENCY",
"tax": [
"name": "CODE",
"value": "TAX_CODE"
"name": "RATE",
"value": "TAX_RATE"
"price_is_tax_inclusive": 1,
"instruction": {
"additional_details": [],
"invitations": [],
"notifications": [],
"extended_settings": [],
"status": "ORDER_STATUS",
"extended_status": [
"name": "payment",
"name": "fulfilment",
"name": "refund",
"value": "REFUND_STATUS"
"is_orphan": false,
"is_dirty": false,
"booking_type": "BOOKING_TYPE",
"created_on": "CREATED_ON",
"updated_on": "UPDATED_ON"
"pagination": {
"records": "RECORDS_COUNT",
"position": "POSITION",
"rows": "ROWS_COUNT",
"order_by": "ORDER_BY"
Attribute | Type | Description |
orders | Array | A list of orders associated with the request. Each order contains details about the customer, event, line items, payments, etc. |
orders[].uuid | String | Unique identifier for the order. |
orders[].code | String | Code representing the order. |
orders[].customer | Object | Details about the customer associated with the order. |
customer.uuid | String | Unique identifier for the customer. If supplied, the order is associated with this user. If null, a new user is created. |
customer.user_id | String | Identifier for the user account linked to the customer. |
customer.first_name | String | First name of the customer. |
customer.last_name | String | Last name of the customer. | | String | Email address of the customer. | | String | Phone number of the customer. |
customer.billing_address | Object | Billing address of the customer. |
billing_address.address_line1 | String | First line of the billing address. |
billing_address.address_line2 | String | Second line of the billing address. | | String | Country of the billing address. |
billing_address.state | String | State of the billing address. | | String | City of the billing address. |
billing_address.post_code | String | Postcode of the billing address. |
customer.shipping_address | Object | Shipping address of the customer. |
orders[].order_pdf_link | String | URL to download the order PDF. |
orders[].event | Object | Details about the event associated with the order. |
event.uuid | String | Unique identifier for the event. | | String | Name of the event. |
event.event_start_on | Object | Start date and time of the event. |
event.event_end_on | Object | End date and time of the event. Includes utc and local formats. |
event.organisation_uuid | String | Unique identifier of the organisation hosting the event. |
event.settings | Object | Event-specific settings such as cancellation policy, tax inclusion, and QR code options. |
orders[].line_items | Array | List of items included in the order. Each item contains product details, pricing, and tax information. |
line_items[].serial | Integer | Serial number representing the order of line items in the order. |
line_items[].product | Object | Details about the product associated with the line item. |
product.attributes | Array | Attributes of the product, such as name, variation, and description. |
line_items[].quantity | Integer | Quantity of the product ordered. |
line_items[].price | Object | Price details of the product, including amount and display text. |
orders[].summary | Object | Summary of the order, including total amounts and fees. | | Object | Total amount for the order. Includes amount and display_text. |
orders[].payments | Object | Payment details for the order, including method, amount, and status. |
orders[].currency | String | Currency code for the order |
orders[].status | String | Current status of the order |
pagination | Object | Details about pagination, including records count, position, rows per page, and order by criteria. |
Retrieve Order Details: /orders/{order_uuid}
This endpoint retrieves the details of a specific order by its unique identifier.
Use Case
Use this endpoint to fetch the order information associated with a specific order uuid. It returns all details about the order, including customer information, line items, payment status, and event details.
→ Orders View permission must be granted from the application to view order.
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
order_uuid | string | The unique identifier of the order you wish to retrieve. |
Query Parameters
This endpoint does not have any query parameters.
Request Body
No request body is required for this endpoint.
The response provides detailed information about the specified order, including the unique order identifier, customer details such as name, email, phone, and billing and shipping addresses, as well as event information like name, dates, and venue details. It will also include a breakdown of the order's line items, such as product details, quantity, pricing, discounts, and taxes, along with a summary of the total costs and any service or processing fees. Additionally, the response will provide payment information, including the payment amount, method, status, and relevant dates, as well as other order-related attributes such as status, notifications, and extended settings.
"orders": {
"uuid": "ORDER_UUID",
"code": "ORDER_CODE",
"customer": {
"uuid": "CUSTOMER_UUID",
"user_id": "USER_ID",
"first_name": "FIRST_NAME",
"last_name": "LAST_NAME",
"email": "EMAIL",
"phone": "PHONE",
"image": "IMAGE_URL",
"billing_address": {
"address_line1": "ADDRESS_LINE1",
"address_line2": "ADDRESS_LINE2",
"country": "COUNTRY",
"state": "STATE",
"city": "CITY",
"post_code": "POST_CODE"
"shipping_address": {
"address_line1": "ADDRESS_LINE1",
"address_line2": "ADDRESS_LINE2",
"country": "COUNTRY",
"state": "STATE",
"city": "CITY",
"post_code": "POST_CODE"
"order_pdf_link": "ORDER_PDF_LINK",
"event": {
"uuid": "EVENT_UUID",
"name": "EVENT_NAME",
"banner": [
"name": "BANNER_NAME",
"image": "BANNER_IMAGE_URL",
"primary": true
"event_start_on": {
"event_end_on": {
"utc": "EVENT_END_UTC",
"local": "EVENT_END_LOCAL"
"organisation_uuid": "ORGANISATION_UUID",
"type": "EVENT_TYPE",
"map_link": "MAP_LINK",
"settings": {
"order_cancel": {
"enabled": false,
"type": "CANCEL_TYPE",
"duration": 0,
"refund_amount_percent": 0
"include_tax_or_gst": false,
"company_registration_details": "COMPANY_REGISTRATION_DETAILS",
"organisation_entity_name": "ORG_ENTITY_NAME",
"dgr_status": false,
"is_enable_full_day": false,
"is_enable_service_charge": false,
"is_enable_datetime_conversion": false,
"is_enable_qr_code_on_tickets": true,
"is_enable_qr_code_individually_on_ticket": false
"organisation": {
"uuid": "ORG_UUID",
"name": "ORG_NAME",
"image": "ORG_IMAGE_URL",
"email": "ORG_EMAIL",
"phone": "ORG_PHONE",
"addresses": {
"address_line1": "ORG_ADDRESS_LINE1",
"address_line2": "ORG_ADDRESS_LINE2",
"country": "ORG_COUNTRY",
"state": "ORG_STATE",
"city": "ORG_CITY",
"post_code": "ORG_POST_CODE",
"timezone": "ORG_TIMEZONE"
"line_items": [
"serial": 1,
"product": {
"uuid": "PRODUCT_UUID",
"type": "PRODUCT_TYPE",
"attributes": [
"name": "PRODUCT_NAME",
"value": "PRODUCT_VALUE"
"name": "PRODUCT_IMAGE",
"name": "EVENT_NAME",
"value": "EVENT_NAME"
"name": "SESSION_UUID",
"value": "SESSION_UUID"
"name": "SESSION_NAME",
"value": "SESSION_NAME"
"name": "EVENT_START_ON",
"value": {
"name": "EVENT_END_ON",
"value": {
"utc": "EVENT_END_UTC",
"local": "EVENT_END_LOCAL"
"name": "EVENT_IMAGE",
"value": [
"name": "BANNER_NAME",
"image": "BANNER_IMAGE_URL",
"primary": true
"name": "EVENT_ADDRESS",
"value": {
"latitude": "LATITUDE",
"longitude": "LONGITUDE",
"address": {
"address_line1": "EVENT_ADDRESS_LINE1",
"address_line2": "EVENT_ADDRESS_LINE2",
"country": "EVENT_COUNTRY",
"state": "EVENT_STATE",
"city": "EVENT_CITY",
"post_code": "EVENT_POST_CODE"
"name": "TICKET",
"value": {
"uuid": "TICKET_UUID",
"code": [
"type": "QR_TYPE",
"value": "TICKET_QR_VALUE",
"image": "TICKET_QR_IMAGE"
"ticket_reference_code": "TICKET_REFERENCE_CODE",
"digital_pass_url": "DIGITAL_PASS_URL",
"is_donation": false,
"is_enable_qr_code": true,
"seat": "SEAT",
"attendee": {
"uuid": "ATTENDEE_UUID",
"attributes": "ATTENDEE_ATTRIBUTES",
"additional_details": {
"quantity": 1,
"quantity_included": 1,
"price": {
"amount": "PRICE_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "PRICE_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"discount": {
"amount": "DISCOUNT_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "DISCOUNT_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"service_fee": {
"display_text": "SERVICE_FEE_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"processing_fee": {
"tax": {
"amount": "TAX_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "TAX_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"subtotal": {
"amount": "SUBTOTAL_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "SUBTOTAL_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"summary": {
"coupons": "COUPONS",
"service_fee": {
"display_text": "SERVICE_FEE_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"processing_fee": {
"tax": {
"amount": "TAX_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "TAX_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"subtotal": {
"amount": "SUBTOTAL_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "SUBTOTAL_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"total": {
"amount": "TOTAL_AMOUNT",
"display_text": "TOTAL_DISPLAY_TEXT"
"total_tickets": {
"payments": {
"payment_amount": "PAYMENT_AMOUNT",
"method": "PAYMENT_METHOD",
"status": "PAYMENT_STATUS",
"date": {
"attributes": "PAYMENT_ATTRIBUTES"
"timezone": "TIMEZONE",
"currency": "CURRENCY",
"tax": [
"name": "TAX_CODE",
"value": "TAX_CODE_VALUE"
"name": "TAX_RATE",
"value": "TAX_RATE_VALUE"
"price_is_tax_inclusive": "PRICE_IS_TAX_INCLUSIVE",
"instruction": {
"additional_details": "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS",
"invitations": "INVITATIONS",
"notifications": "NOTIFICATIONS",
"extended_settings": "EXTENDED_SETTINGS",
"status": "STATUS",
"extended_status": [
"is_orphan": false,
"is_dirty": false,
"booking_type": "BOOKING_TYPE",
"created_on": "CREATED_ON",
"updated_on": "UPDATED_ON"
Attribute |
Type |
Description |
orders |
Object |
The details of the order. |
orders.uuid |
String |
Unique identifier of the order. |
orders.code |
String |
Code representing the order. |
orders.customer |
Object |
Customer information related to the order. |
orders.customer.uuid |
String |
Unique identifier of the customer. |
orders.customer.user_id |
String |
User ID of the customer. |
orders.customer.first_name |
String |
First name of the customer. |
orders.customer.last_name |
String |
Last name of the customer. | |
String |
Email address of the customer. | |
String |
Phone number of the customer. |
orders.customer.image |
String |
URL of the customer's image. |
orders.customer.billing_address |
Object |
Billing address of the customer. |
orders.customer. billing_address.address_line1 |
String |
First line of the billing address. |
orders.customer. billing_address.address_line2 |
String |
Second line of the billing address. | |
String |
Country of the billing address. |
orders.customer.billing_address.state |
String |
State of the billing address. | |
String |
City of the billing address. |
orders.customer.billing_address.post_code |
String |
Postal code of the billing address. |
orders.customer.shipping_address |
Object |
Shipping address of the customer. |
orders.customer. shipping_address.address_line1 |
String |
First line of the shipping address. |
orders.customer. shipping_address.address_line2 |
String |
Second line of the shipping address. | |
String |
Country of the shipping address. |
orders.customer.shipping_address.state |
String |
State of the shipping address. | |
String |
City of the shipping address. |
orders.customer.shipping_address.post_code |
String |
Postal code of the shipping address. |
orders.order_pdf_link |
String |
URL to download the order PDF. |
orders.event |
Object |
Event details related to the order. |
orders.event.uuid |
String |
Unique identifier of the event. | |
String |
Name of the event. |
orders.event.banner |
Array |
List of banners associated with the event. | |
String |
Name of the banner. |
orders.event.banner.image |
String |
URL of the banner image. |
orders.event.banner.primary |
Boolean |
Indicates whether this banner is primary. |
orders.event.thumb |
String |
Thumbnail image for the event. |
orders.event.event_start_on |
Object |
Start date and time of the event. |
orders.event.event_start_on.utc |
String |
Event start time in UTC. |
orders.event.event_start_on.local |
String |
Event start time in local time. |
orders.event.event_end_on |
Object |
End date and time of the event. |
orders.event.event_end_on.utc |
String |
Event end time in UTC. |
orders.event.event_end_on.local |
String |
Event end time in local time. |
orders.event.organisation_uuid |
String |
Unique identifier of the event's organisation. |
orders.event.type |
String |
Type/category of the event. |
orders.event.map_link |
String |
URL to the event's map location. |
orders.event.settings |
Object |
Settings related to the event's behavior. |
orders.event.settings.order_cancel |
Object |
Order cancellation settings. |
orders.event.settings.order_cancel.enabled |
Boolean |
Whether order cancellation is enabled. |
orders.event.settings.order_cancel.type |
String |
Type of cancellation. |
orders.event.settings.order_cancel.duration |
Integer |
Duration of cancellation allowed (in minutes). |
orders.event.settings.order_cancel. refund_amount_percent |
Integer |
Percentage of refund for the cancelled order. |
orders.event.settings.include_tax_or_gst |
Boolean |
Whether tax or GST is included in the order. |
orders.event.settings. company_registration_details |
String |
Company registration details for the event's organisation. |
orders.event.settings. organisation_entity_name |
String |
Entity name of the event's organisation. |
orders.event.settings.dgr_status |
Boolean |
DGR status of the event. |
orders.event.settings. is_enable_full_day |
Boolean |
Whether the event allows full-day bookings. |
orders.event.settings. is_enable_service_charge |
Boolean |
Whether the event includes a service charge. |
orders.event.settings. is_enable_datetime_conversion |
Boolean |
Whether the event supports datetime conversion. |
orders.event.settings. is_enable_qr_code_on_tickets |
Boolean |
Whether QR codes are enabled for tickets. |
orders.event.settings. is_enable_qr_code_individually_on_ticket |
Boolean |
Whether each ticket gets its own unique QR code. |
orders.organisation |
Object |
Organisation information for the event. |
orders.organisation.uuid |
String |
Unique identifier of the organisation. | |
String |
Name of the organisation. |
orders.organisation.image |
String |
URL of the organisation's image. | |
String |
Email address of the organisation. | |
String |
Phone number of the organisation. |
orders.organisation.addresses |
Object |
Address information for the organisation. |
orders.organisation.addresses.address_line1 |
String |
First line of the organisation's address. |
orders.organisation.addresses.address_line2 |
String |
Second line of the organisation's address. | |
String |
Country of the organisation's address. |
orders.organisation.addresses.state |
String |
State of the organisation's address. | |
String |
City of the organisation's address. |
orders.organisation.addresses.post_code |
String |
Postal code of the organisation's address. |
orders.organisation.addresses.timezone |
String |
Timezone of the organisation's location. |
orders.line_items |
Array |
List of line items in the order. |
orders.line_items.serial |
Integer |
Serial number of the line item. |
orders.line_items.product |
Object |
Product details for the line item. |
orders.line_items.product.uuid |
String |
Unique identifier of the product. |
orders.line_items.product.type |
String |
Type/category of the product. |
orders.line_items.product.attributes |
Array |
List of attributes for the product. | |
String |
Name of the product attribute. |
orders.line_items.product.attributes.value |
String |
Value of the product attribute. |
orders.line_items.quantity |
Integer |
Quantity of the item ordered. |
orders.line_items.quantity_included |
Integer |
Number of items included in the order. |
orders.line_items.price |
Object |
Price details of the item. |
orders.line_items.price.amount |
String |
Price amount of the item. |
orders.line_items.price.display_text |
String |
Display text for the price. | |
Object |
Discount details for the item. | |
String |
Discount amount. | |
String |
Display text for the discount. |
orders.line_items.service_fee |
Object |
Service fee details for the item. |
orders.line_items.service_fee.amount |
String |
Service fee amount. |
orders.line_items.service_fee.display_text |
String |
Display text for the service fee. |
orders.line_items.processing_fee |
Object |
Processing fee details for the item. |
orders.line_items.processing_fee.amount |
String |
Processing fee amount. |
orders.line_items.processing_fee.display_text |
String |
Display text for the processing fee. | |
Object |
Tax details for the item. | |
String |
Tax amount. | |
String |
Display text for the tax. |
orders.line_items.subtotal |
Object |
Subtotal for the item. |
orders.line_items.subtotal.amount |
String |
Subtotal amount. |
orders.line_items.subtotal.display_text |
String |
Display text for the subtotal. |
orders.summary |
Object |
Summary of the order. | |
String |
Coupons applied to the order. |
orders.summary.service_fee |
Object |
Summary of service fees for the order. |
orders.summary.processing_fee |
Object |
Summary of processing fees for the order. | |
Object |
Summary of taxes for the order. |
orders.summary.subtotal |
Object |
Summary of the subtotal for the order. | |
Object |
Total amount for the order. |
orders.summary.total_tickets |
Object |
Total number of tickets for the order. |
orders.payments |
Object |
Payment information for the order. |
orders.payments.payment_amount |
String |
Amount of the payment made. |
orders.payments.method |
String |
Payment method used. |
orders.payments.status |
String |
Payment status. | |
Object |
Date of payment. | |
String |
Payment date in UTC. | |
String |
Payment date in local time. |
orders.payments.attributes |
String |
Additional payment attributes. |
orders.timezone |
String |
Timezone of the order. |
orders.currency |
String |
Currency used for the order. | |
Array |
Tax details for the order. | |
String |
Name of the tax applied. | |
String |
Value of the tax applied. |
orders.price_is_tax_inclusive |
String |
Whether the price includes tax. |
orders.instruction |
Object |
Instructions related to the order. |
orders.instruction.title |
String |
Title of the instruction. |
orders.instruction.description |
String |
Description of the instruction. |
orders.additional_details |
String |
Additional details for the order. |
orders.invitations |
String |
Invitations associated with the order. |
orders.notifications |
String |
Notifications related to the order. |
orders.extended_settings |
String |
Extended settings for the order. |
orders.status |
String |
Current status of the order. |
orders.extended_status |
Array |
Extended status details for the order. | |
String |
Name of the extended status. |
orders.extended_status.value |
String |
Value of the extended status. |
orders.is_orphan |
Boolean |
Whether the order is an orphan. |
orders.is_dirty |
Boolean |
Whether the order has been modified. |
orders.booking_type |
String |
Type of the booking. |
orders.created_on |
String |
Creation timestamp of the order. |
orders.updated_on |
String |
Last updated timestamp of the order. |
Paginated Responses
A paginated response includes two primary sections: a pagination header and a list of objects. Below is an example of a paginated response:
"pagination": {
"records": "RECORDS_COUNT",
"position": "POSITION",
"rows": "ROWS_COUNT",
"order_by": "ORDER_BY"
Attribute | Type | Description |
records | string | The total number of records available across all pages. |
position |
string |
The current position in the list of records being viewed. |
rows |
string |
The number of rows (or items) displayed per page. |
order_by |
string |
The column and order used to sort the records |