Developer Hub
Retrieve Events List: /events
Fetch a list of events with detailed metadata including occurrences, ticketing, and configuration.
→ Events list permission must be granted from the application to view the list of events.
Use Case
This endpoint is commonly used to display available events for an organisation or platform, along with relevant details such as dates, tickets, and venue information, enabling users to explore and participate.
Path Parameters
No path parameters for this endpoint.
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Allowed Values | Description |
status | Enum | draft, ready, published, live | Filters events based on their status. |
event_type | Enum | venu, online | Specifies whether the event is in a venue or online. |
order_by | Enum | created_ascending, created_descending, starting, name_ascending, name_descending | Specifies the order in which results should appear. |
category | String | Any valid category UUID | Filters events by category UUID. |
country | String | Any valid country name | Filters events by country. |
invitation_code | String | Any valid invitation code | Filters events by the provided invitation code. |
contact_email | String | Any valid email address | Filters events by the contact email address. |
invitation_id | String | Any valid UUID | Filters events using an invitation ID. |
time_filter | Enum | today, tomorrow, this_week, this_weekend, next_week, next_weekend, this_month, next_month, this_year, next_year | Filters events by time. If multiple values are provided, only the first one is considered. |
filter_by_ids | String | Any valid event UUIDs, comma-separated. | Filters events by their UUIDs. |
search_q | String | Any valid search string | Searches events based on the query string. |
organisation | String | Any valid organisation UUIDs, comma-separated. | Filters events by organisation UUIDs. |
currency | String | Any valid currency code. | Specifies the currency for event-related transactions. |
my | Enum | all, attending, speaking, organised_events | Filters events based on the user's relationship to them. |
featured | String | 0, 1 | Indicates whether to filter featured events (1) or not (0). |
position | String | N/A | Currently undefined. |
rows | Integer | Any valid positive integer | Number of rows (results) to return in the response. |
event_start_on | Date-Time (local) | Any valid datetime in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm. | Filters events by the exact occurrence datetime. Validation error will occur for invalid input ("Invalid occurrence"). |
show_all_tickets | String | 0, 1 | If 1, restricted tickets are displayed globally. |
summary | String | 0, 1 | If 1, includes a summary in the event response. |
Request Body
No request body is required for this endpoint.
The response provides a list of events, including essential details such as event names, descriptions, time zones, ticketing options, occurrence data, and organisational metadata. Each event contains information about configurations, interactions, and settings that help define its structure and accessibility.
"events": [
"uuid": "EVENT_UUID",
"status": "STATUS",
"premium": false,
"extended_status": [
"value": "PUBLISHED"
"name": "EVENT_NAME",
"display_name": "EVENT_DISPLAY_NAME",
"slug": "EVENT_SLUG",
"description": "EVENT_DESCRIPTION",
"banner": [
"name": "BANNER_NAME",
"image": "BANNER_IMAGE_URL",
"primary": true
"thumbnail": {
"primary": true
"resources": [],
"links": [
"value": "WEBSITE_URL"
"timezone": "TIMEZONE",
"enable_datetime_conversion": true,
"currency": "CURRENCY",
"tax": [
"name": "TAX_CODE",
"value": "TAX_VALUE"
"name": "TAX_RATE",
"value": null
"created_on": "CREATED_DATE",
"updated_on": "UPDATED_DATE",
"event_occurrence": [],
"occurrence": {
"attributes": {
"starts_on": {
"utc": "START_UTC_TIME",
"event_duration": "EVENT_DURATION"
"exclusions": []
"org": {
"uuid": "ORG_UUID",
"name": "ORG_NAME",
"slug": "ORG_SLUG",
"info": "ORG_INFO",
"image": "ORG_IMAGE_URL",
"metrics": [
"name": "FOLLOWED_BY_ME",
"value": null
"interactions": {
"preferences": [
"name": "ALLOW_CONTACT",
"value": true
"follows": null,
"followed_by": null,
"mutes": null
"configuration": {
"type": "CONFIG_TYPE",
"attributes": [
"value": {
"enabled": false,
"list": []
"survey_configuration": [],
"coupons": [],
"early_bird_discount": {
"discount_type": "DISCOUNT_TYPE",
"discount": "DISCOUNT_VALUE",
"is_enable_customise_discount_start": false,
"discount_starts_on": {
"occurrence_discount_start_type": "OCCURRENCE_DISCOUNT_START_TYPE",
"occurrence_discount_start_offset": "OCCURRENCE_DISCOUNT_START_OFFSET"
"discount_ends_on": {
"occurrence_discount_end_type": "OCCURRENCE_DISCOUNT_END_TYPE",
"occurrence_discount_end_offset": "OCCURRENCE_DISCOUNT_END_OFFSET"
"tickets": {
"price_is_fee_inclusive": false,
"price_is_tax_inclusive": true,
"levels": [
"display_order": "TICKET_DISPLAY_ORDER",
"name": "TICKET_NAME",
"description": "TICKET_DESCRIPTION",
"quantity": "TICKET_QUANTITY",
"max_quantity_per_customer": "MAX_TICKET_PER_CUSTOMER",
"quantity_sold": "TICKET_QUANTITY_SOLD",
"total_purchased_by_user": "TICKET_PURCHASED_BY_USER",
"category": "TICKET_CATEGORY",
"min_donation_amount": "TICKET_MIN_DONATION_AMOUNT",
"max_donation_amount": "TICKET_MAX_DONATION_AMOUNT",
"default_donation_amount": "TICKET_DEFAULT_DONATION_AMOUNT",
"status": true,
"session_id": "SESSION_ID",
"parent_id": "PARENT_ID",
"url_digital_pass": "DIGITAL_PASS_URL",
"pricing_details": [
"variation": "PRICE_VARIATION",
"price": "TICKET_PRICE",
"quantity_included": "QUANTITY_INCLUDED",
"quantity_sold": "QUANTITY_SOLD"
"early_bird_discount": {
"discount_type": "DISCOUNT_TYPE",
"discount": "EARLY_BIRD_DISCOUNT",
"is_enable_customise_discount_start": false,
"discount_starts_on": {
"occurrence_discount_start_type": "EARLY_BIRD_DISCOUNT_START_TYPE",
"occurrence_discount_start_offset": "EARLY_BIRD_DISCOUNT_START_OFFSET"
"discount_ends_on": {
"occurrence_discount_end_type": "EARLY_BIRD_DISCOUNT_END_TYPE",
"occurrence_discount_end_offset": "EARLY_BIRD_DISCOUNT_END_OFFSET"
"coupons": [],
"settings": [],
"ticket_instruction": "TICKET_INSTRUCTION",
"custom_attributes": [],
"created_on": {
"publising": {
"updated_on": "PUBLISHING_UPDATED_ON",
"published_on": {
"listing": {
"enabled": true,
"visibility_in_org_profile": false,
"categories": [],
"tags": []
"settings": {
"booking_starts_on": {
"occurrence_booking_start_type": "OCCURRENCE_BOOKING_START_TYPE",
"occurrence_booking_start_offset": "OCCURRENCE_BOOKING_START_OFFSET",
"hide_ticket_until_booking_start": false,
"level": "BOOKING_LEVEL"
"booking_ends_on": {
"occurrence_booking_end_type": "OCCURRENCE_BOOKING_END_TYPE",
"occurrence_booking_end_offset": "OCCURRENCE_BOOKING_END_OFFSET",
"level": "BOOKING_LEVEL"
"event_capacity": "EVENT_CAPACITY",
"max_ticket_per_customer": "MAX_TICKET_PER_CUSTOMER",
"terminology": "TERMINOLOGY",
"enable_guest_checkout": true,
"enable_share": true,
"digital_pass": {
"enabled": false,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL"
"discount": {
"enabled": false,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL"
"coupon": {
"enabled": false,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL"
"service_charge": {
"enabled": false,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL"
"boxoffice": null,
"sell_session": {
"enabled": false,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL"
"sell_session_individually": {
"enabled": false,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL"
"sell_tickets_on_venue": {
"enabled": false,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL"
"special_instruction": {
"enabled": false,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL"
"waiting_list": {
"enabled": false,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL"
"qr_code": {
"enabled": true,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL"
"configure_ticket_remaining": {
"enabled": false,
"level": "EVENT_LEVEL",
"remaining_tickets": 20,
"hide_on_the_event_details": false
"custom_thumbnails": {
"enabled": false,
"thumbs": {
"custom_seo_details": {
"enabled": false,
"title": "SEO_TITLE",
"description": "SEO_DESCRIPTION",
"image": "SEO_IMAGE"
"collect_additional_info_from_buyer": {
"enabled": true,
"mandatory": false
"ticket_scanning": {
"enabled": true,
"allow_scanning_only_during_event_hour": false
"configure_pricing_display_text": {
"enabled": false,
"display": "PRICING_DISPLAY"
"enable_ticket_mandatory": false,
"enable_rsvp": false,
"tracking_codes": [],
"blockout_period": null,
"restrictions": null,
"terms_and_condition": [],
"include_tax_or_gst": false,
"company_registration_details": null,
"abn_activate_on": "ABN_ACTIVATION_DATE",
"organisation_entity_name": "ORG_ENTITY_NAME",
"dgr_status": false,
"reminder_email_before_event": {
"enabled": true,
"include_ticket": false,
"reminder_email_time": "REMINDER_TIME_BEFORE_EVENT"
"reminder_email_after_event": {
"enabled": false,
"reminder_email_time": "REMINDER_TIME_AFTER_EVENT"
"enable_full_day": false
"sessions": {
"enabled": false,
"type": "SESSION_TYPE",
"session_lists": []
"refund": {
"available": false,
"policy": {
"cancel_before_event_starts": 0,
"automatic": false,
"amount": {
"discount_type": "REFUND_DISCOUNT_TYPE",
"discount_unit": 0
"ticket_instruction": null,
"metrics": [
"name": "SHARED_COUNT",
"value": 0
"fees": {
"currency": "CURRENCY",
"pass_on": null,
"rate": [
"value": 1
"price_is_tax_inclusive": true,
"tax": [
"name": "TAX_CODE",
"value": "TAX_VALUE"
"name": "TAX_RATE",
"value": null
"interactions": {
"saves": [],
"shares": [],
"attendees": [],
"speaker": [],
"reviews": [],
"waiting_list": [],
"join_url": []
"merchandise": {
"products": []
"event_settings_reviewed": false,
"custom_attributes": [],
"event_code": {
"type": "QR_TYPE",
"value": "EVENT_QR_CODE_URL",
"image": "QR_IMAGE_URL"
"activities": [
"name": "ACTIVITY_NAME",
"store_url": "STORE_URL",
"location": "EVENT_LOCATION"
"pagination": {
"records": "TOTAL_RECORDS",
"position": "POSITION",
"rows": "TOTAL_ROWS",
"order_by": "ORDER"
Attribute | Type | Description |
event | Object | Details of the event. |
event.uuid | String | Unique identifier for the event. |
event.status | String | Null | Status of the event. |
event.premium | Boolean | Indicates if the event is a premium event. |
event.extended_status | Array of Objects | Additional status information for the event. | | String | Name of the extended status. |
event.extended_status.value | String | Value of the extended status. | | String | Name of the event. |
event.display_name | String | Display name of the event. |
event.slug | String | Slugified version of the event name, used in URLs. |
event.description | String | Description of the event. |
event.banner | Array of Objects | List of banners associated with the event. | | String | Name of the banner. |
event.banner.image | String (URL) | URL of the banner image. |
event.banner.primary | Boolean | Indicates if this is the primary banner. |
event.thumbnail | Object | Thumbnail details for the event. | | String | Name of the thumbnail. |
event.thumbnail.image | String (URL) | URL of the thumbnail image. |
event.thumbnail.primary | Boolean | Indicates if this is the primary thumbnail. |
event.resources | Array | List of resources related to the event (empty in this case). |
event.links | Array of Objects | Links associated with the event. | | String | Name of the link. |
event.links.value | String (URL) | URL of the link. |
event.timezone | String | Timezone of the event. |
event.enable_datetime_conversion | Boolean | Indicates if datetime conversion is enabled. |
event.currency | String | Currency used for the event. | | Array of Objects | Tax details associated with the event. | | String | Name of the tax. | | String | Value of the tax. |
event.created_on | String (Timestamp) | Event creation timestamp. |
event.updated_on | String (Timestamp) | Event last updated timestamp. |
event.event_occurrence | Array | Event occurrence details (empty in this case). |
event.occurrence | Object | Details of event occurrence. |
event.occurrence.type | String | Type of the occurrence. |
event.occurrence.attributes | Object | Attributes related to the event occurrence. |
event.occurrence.attributes.starts_on | Object | Start date details for the event occurrence. |
event.occurrence.attributes.starts_on.utc | String (UTC) | Start date and time in UTC format. |
event.occurrence.attributes.starts_on.local | String | Start date and time in the local timezone. |
event.occurrence.attributes.event_duration | String | Duration of the event. | | Object | Details of the organisation associated with the event. | | String | Unique identifier for the organisation. | | String | Name of the organisation. | | String | URL-friendly identifier for the organisation. | | String | Additional information about the organisation. | | String (URL) | URL to the organisation's image. | | Array | List of metric objects related to the organisation. | | String | Name of the metric. | | Any | Value of the metric. | | Object | Interaction preferences and status for the organisation. |
events.configuration | Object | Configuration settings for the event. |
events.configuration.type | String | Type of configuration. |
events.configuration.attributes | Array | List of configuration attribute objects. |
events.survey_configuration | Array | Configuration settings for event surveys. | | Array | List of coupons associated with the event. |
events.early_bird_discount | Object | Early bird discount settings for the event. | | Object | Details of ticketing for the event. |
events.publising | Object | Publishing details of the event. |
events.listing | Object | Listing and visibility settings for the event. |
events.settings | Object | Event-wide settings, including booking, ticketing, and sharing options. |
events.sessions | Object | Session details and settings for the event. |
events.refund | Object | Refund policy and settings for the event. |
events.metrics | Array | Event metrics, such as share counts. |
events.fees | Object | Fee details, including tax and service charges. |
events.interactions | Object | Interaction details, such as saves, shares, and attendees. |
events.merchandise | Object | Merchandise details for the event. |
events.event_settings_reviewed | Boolean | Indicates if the event settings have been reviewed. |
events.custom_attributes | Array | Custom attributes associated with the event. |
events.event_code | Object | QR code and event code details. |
events.activities | Array | Activities related to the event. |
events.store_url | String (URL) | URL to the event store. |
events.location | String | Location of the event. |
pagination | Object | Pagination details for the response. |
pagination.records | Integer | Total number of records available. |
pagination.position | Integer | Current position in the pagination. |
pagination.rows | Integer | Total rows per page. |
pagination.order_by | String | Order by which records are sorted. |
Retrieve Event Details: /events/{event_uuid}
Retrieve detailed information about a specific event using its unique identifier.
→ Events view permission must be granted from the application to view event.
Use Case
This endpoint is used to fetch all the details of an event, including its metadata, tickets, discounts, organisation details, occurrence attributes, and settings. It is suitable for event management systems to display event data or perform operations like editing, validation, or publishing.
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
event_uuid | string | The unique identifier of the event whose informations are to be retrieved. |
Query Parameters
This endpoint does not have any query parameters.
Request Body
No request body is required for this endpoint.
The response is a JSON object containing various details about the event, including its name, description, tickets, dates, and more.
"event": {
"uuid": "EVENT_UUID",
"status": null,
"premium": true,
"extended_status": [
"name": "STATUS_NAME",
"value": "STATUS_VALUE"
"name": "EVENT_NAME",
"display_name": "EVENT_DISPLAY_NAME",
"slug": "EVENT_SLUG",
"description": "EVENT_DESCRIPTION",
"banner": [
"name": "BANNER_NAME",
"image": "BANNER_IMAGE_URL",
"primary": true
"thumbnail": {
"primary": true
"resources": [],
"links": [
"name": "LINK_NAME",
"value": "LINK_URL"
"timezone": "TIMEZONE",
"enable_datetime_conversion": true,
"currency": "CURRENCY",
"tax": [
"name": "TAX_NAME",
"value": "TAX_VALUE"
"created_on": "CREATED_TIMESTAMP",
"updated_on": "UPDATED_TIMESTAMP",
"event_occurrence": [],
"occurrence": {
"attributes": {
"starts_on": {
"utc": "START_DATE_UTC",
"event_duration": "EVENT_DURATION"
"org": {
"uuid": "ORG_UUID",
"name": "ORG_NAME",
"slug": "ORG_SLUG",
"info": "ORG_INFO",
"image": "ORG_IMAGE_URL",
"metrics": [
"name": "METRIC_NAME",
"value": null
"interactions": {
"preferences": [
"value": true
"follows": null,
"followed_by": null,
"mutes": null
"configuration": {
"type": "CONFIG_TYPE",
"attributes": [
"value": {
"latitude": "LATITUDE",
"longitude": "LONGITUDE",
"address": {
"address_line1": "ADDRESS_LINE1",
"address_line2": "ADDRESS_LINE2",
"country": "COUNTRY",
"state": "STATE",
"city": "CITY",
"post_code": "POST_CODE"
"name": "IS_LIVE",
"value": false
"survey_configuration": [],
"coupons": [
"uuid": "COUPON_UUID",
"name": "COUPON_NAME",
"code": "COUPON_CODE",
"discount_amount": "DISCOUNT_AMOUNT",
"discount_type": "DISCOUNT_TYPE",
"starts_on": {
"utc": "START_DATE_UTC",
"ends_on": {
"utc": "END_DATE_UTC",
"local": "END_DATE_LOCAL"
"uses_per_coupon": "USES_PER_COUPON",
"total_used": 0,
"uses_per_customer": "USES_PER_CUSTOMER",
"status": true
"early_bird_discount": {
"discount_type": "DISCOUNT_TYPE",
"discount": 0,
"type": "DISCOUNT_TYPE",
"is_enable_customise_discount_start": false,
"discount_starts_on": {
"utc": null,
"local": null,
"occurrence_discount_start_type": "",
"occurrence_discount_start_offset": ""
"discount_ends_on": {
"utc": null,
"local": null,
"occurrence_discount_end_type": "",
"occurrence_discount_end_offset": ""
"tickets": {
"price_is_fee_inclusive": false,
"price_is_tax_inclusive": true,
"levels": [
"uuid": "TICKET_UUID",
"display_order": "DISPLAY_ORDER",
"name": "TICKET_NAME",
"description": "TICKET_DESCRIPTION",
"quantity": -1,
"max_quantity_per_customer": -1,
"quantity_sold": "QUANTITY_SOLD",
"total_purchased_by_user": 0,
"category": "TICKET_CATEGORY",
"min_donation_amount": 0,
"max_donation_amount": 0,
"default_donation_amount": 0,
"status": true,
"session_id": 0,
"parent_id": 0,
"url_digital_pass": null,
"pricing_details": [
"uuid": null,
"variation": null,
"price": 0,
"quantity_included": 1,
"quantity_sold": "QUANTITY_SOLD"
"early_bird_discount": {
"discount_type": null,
"discount": null,
"type": "DISCOUNT_TYPE",
"is_enable_customise_discount_start": false,
"discount_starts_on": {
"utc": null,
"local": null,
"occurrence_discount_start_type": "",
"occurrence_discount_start_offset": ""
"discount_ends_on": {
"utc": null,
"local": null,
"occurrence_discount_end_type": "",
"occurrence_discount_end_offset": ""
"coupons": [],
"settings": [],
"ticket_instruction": null,
"custom_attributes": [],
"created_on": {
"publising": {
"updated_on": "UPDATED_TIMESTAMP",
"published_on": {
"listing": {
"enabled": true,
"visibility_in_org_profile": false,
"categories": [],
"tags": []
"settings": {
"booking_starts_on": {
"type": "BOOKING_TYPE",
"occurrence_booking_start_type": "",
"occurrence_booking_start_offset": "",
"hide_ticket_until_booking_start": false,
"level": "BOOKING_LEVEL"
"booking_ends_on": {
"type": "BOOKING_TYPE",
"occurrence_booking_end_type": "",
"occurrence_booking_end_offset": "",
"level": "BOOKING_LEVEL"
"event_capacity": 0,
"max_ticket_per_customer": 0,
"terminology": "TERMINOLOGY",
"enable_guest_checkout": true,
"enable_share": true,
"digital_pass": {
"enabled": true,
"discount": {
"enabled": false,
"coupon": {
"enabled": true,
"level": "COUPON_LEVEL"
"service_charge": {
"enabled": false,
"boxoffice": null,
"sell_session": {
"enabled": false,
"sell_session_individually": {
"enabled": false,
"sell_tickets_on_venue": {
"enabled": false,
"special_instruction": {
"enabled": false,
"waiting_list": {
"enabled": false,
"qr_code": {
"enabled": true,
"level": "QR_CODE_LEVEL"
"configure_ticket_remaining": {
"enabled": false,
"remaining_tickets": 20,
"hide_on_the_event_details": false
"custom_thumbnails": {
"enabled": false,
"thumbs": {
"custom_seo_details": {
"enabled": false,
"title": "SEO_TITLE",
"description": "SEO_DESCRIPTION",
"image": "SEO_IMAGE_URL"
"collect_additional_info_from_buyer": {
"enabled": true,
"mandatory": false
"ticket_scanning": {
"enabled": true,
"allow_scanning_only_during_event_hour": false
"configure_ticket_remaining": {
"enabled": false
"enable_ticket_countdown": false,
"custom_ticket_id": {
"enabled": false,
"ticket_id_prefix": "TICKET_ID_PREFIX"
"hide_ticket_until_booking_start": false,
"restrict_ticket_sale": false,
"enable_gift_a_ticket": false
Attribute | Type | Description |
event | Object | Details of the event. |
event.uuid | String | Unique identifier for the event. |
event.status | String | Null | Status of the event . |
event.premium | Boolean | Indicates if the event is a premium event. |
event.extended_status | Array of Objects | Additional status information for the event. | | String | Name of the extended status. |
event.extended_status.value | String | Value of the extended status. | | String | Name of the event. |
event.display_name | String | Display name of the event. |
event.slug | String | Slugified version of the event name, used in URLs. |
event.description | String | Description of the event. |
event.banner | Array of Objects | List of banners associated with the event. | | String | Name of the banner. |
event.banner.image | String (URL) | URL of the banner image. |
event.banner.primary | Boolean | Indicates if this is the primary banner. |
event.thumbnail | Object | Thumbnail details for the event. | | String | Name of the thumbnail. |
event.thumbnail.image | String (URL) | URL of the thumbnail image. |
event.thumbnail.primary | Boolean | Indicates if this is the primary thumbnail. |
event.resources | Array | List of resources related to the event (empty in this case). |
event.links | Array of Objects | Links associated with the event. | | String | Name of the link. |
event.links.value | String (URL) | URL of the link. |
event.timezone | String | Timezone of the event. |
event.enable_datetime_conversion | Boolean | Indicates if datetime conversion is enabled. |
event.currency | String | Currency used for the event. | | Array of Objects | Tax details associated with the event. | | String | Name of the tax. | | String | Value of the tax. |
event.created_on | String (Timestamp) | Event creation timestamp. |
event.updated_on | String (Timestamp) | Event last updated timestamp. |
event.event_occurrence | Array | Event occurrence details (empty in this case). |
event.occurrence | Object | Details of event occurrence. |
event.occurrence.type | String | Type of the occurrence . |
event.occurrence.attributes | Object | Attributes related to the event occurrence. |
event.occurrence.attributes.starts_on | Object | Start date details for the event occurrence. |
event.occurrence.attributes.starts_on.utc | String (UTC) | Start date and time in UTC format. |
event.occurrence.attributes.starts_on.local | String | Start date and time in the local timezone. |
event.occurrence.attributes.event_duration | String | Duration of the event. | | Object | Details of the organisation associated with the event. | | String | Unique identifier for the organisation. | | String | Name of the organisation. | | String | URL-friendly identifier for the organisation. | | String | Additional information about the organisation. | | String (URL) | URL to the organisation's image. | | Array | List of metric objects related to the organisation. | | String | Name of the metric. | | Any | Value of the metric. | | Object | Interaction preferences and status for the organisation. |
events.configuration | Object | Configuration settings for the event. |
events.configuration.type | String | Type of configuration. |
events.configuration.attributes | Array | List of configuration attribute objects. |
events.survey_configuration | Array | Configuration settings for event surveys. | | Array | List of coupons associated with the event. |
events.early_bird_discount | Object | Early bird discount settings for the event. | | Object | Details of ticketing for the event. |
events.publising | Object | Publishing details of the event. |
events.listing | Object | Listing and visibility settings for the event. |
events.settings | Object | Event-wide settings, including booking, ticketing, and sharing options. |
events.sessions | Object | Session details and settings for the event. |
events.refund | Object | Refund policy and settings for the event. |
events.metrics | Array | Event metrics, such as share counts. |
events.fees | Object | Fee details, including tax and service charges. |
events.interactions | Object | Interaction details, such as saves, shares, and attendees. |
events.merchandise | Object | Merchandise details for the event. |
events.event_settings_reviewed | Boolean | Indicates if the event settings have been reviewed. |
events.custom_attributes | Array | Custom attributes associated with the event. |
events.event_code | Object | QR code and event code details. |
events.activities | Array | Activities related to the event. |
events.store_url | String (URL) | URL to the event store. |
events.location | String | Location of the event. |
Retrieve Sessions List : /events/{event_uuid}/sessions
Retrieve the list of sessions associated with a specific event. Each session includes details such as name, description, capacity, start and end times, ticket availability, and occurrence information.
→ Events view permission must be granted from the application to view the events session list.
Use Case
This endpoint displays session-specific details for an event, allowing users to explore available sessions, their timings, and ticketing options before registering or purchasing.
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
event_uuid | string | The unique identifier of the event whose sessions are to be retrieved. |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Allowed Values | Description |
status | Enum | draft, ready, published, live, unpublished | The current status of the event. |
order_by | Enum | created_ascending, created_descending, starting, name_ascending, name_descending | Specifies the ordering of events based on creation date, start time, or name. |
time_filter | Enum | today, tomorrow, this_week, this_weekend, next_week, next_weekend, this_month, next_month, this_year, next_year | Filters events by time. Only one value can be selected, and invalid inputs are discarded. |
search_q | String | Any valid search string | Filters events based on a provided search string. |
position | Integer | Any valid positive integer | Indicates the starting position for data retrieval. |
rows | Integer | Any valid positive integer | Number of rows to return in the response. |
event_start_on | DateTime | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm | Filters events by their start date and time. Invalid input will return an “Invalid occurrence” message. |
Request Body
No request body is required for this endpoint.
The response includes an array of sessions for the specified event, detailing their attributes such as duration, capacity, and timing. Each session also lists tickets, their status, and pricing details to help users make informed decisions.
"sessions": [
"sell_session": BOOLEAN,
"status": STATUS,
"capacity": CAPACITY,
"display_name": "DISPLAY_NAME",
"duration": DURATION,
"created_on": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ",
"updated_on": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ",
"occurrences": {
"uuid": []
"session_starts_on": {
"utc": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM",
"local": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
"session_ends_on": {
"utc": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM",
"local": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
"tickets": [
"quantity_sold": QUANTITY_SOLD,
"total_purchased_by_user": TOTAL_PURCHASED_BY_USER,
"pricing_details": [
"quantity_sold": QUANTITY_SOLD
"pagination": {
"records": RECORDS,
"position": POSITION,
"rows": ROWS,
"order_by": {
Attribute | Type | Description |
sessions | Array of Objects | Contains a list of session objects. Each session includes details like the session's UUID, name, capacity, and other session data. |
sessions.uuid | String | Unique identifier for the session. |
sessions.sell_session | Boolean | Indicates whether the session is available for sale. Can be true or false. |
sessions.status | String | The current status of the session. | | String | The name of the session. |
sessions.capacity | Integer | The total number of available spots for the session. |
sessions.display_name | String | The display name for the session, which may differ from the internal name. |
sessions.description | String | A description of the session. |
sessions.duration | Integer | Duration of the session in minutes. |
sessions.image | String (URL) | URL of an image associated with the session. |
sessions.created_on | String (Timestamp) | The timestamp indicating when the session was created. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. |
sessions.updated_on | String (Timestamp) | The timestamp indicating when the session was last updated. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. |
sessions.occurrences | Object | Contains data related to the occurrences of the session, including the occurrence type and associated UUIDs. |
sessions.session_starts_on | Object (Datetime) | The start time of the session in both UTC and local time formats. |
sessions.session_ends_on | Object (Datetime) | The end time of the session in both UTC and local time formats. | | Array of Objects | A list of tickets associated with the session, including details like ticket UUID, quantity sold, and pricing details. | | String | Unique identifier for the ticket. | | Integer | The number of tickets sold for the session. | | Integer | The total number of tickets purchased by a user. | | Array of Objects | List of pricing details, including ticket UUID and quantity sold per price level. | | String (UUID) | Unique identifier for the pricing detail. | | Integer | The number of tickets sold at this specific price level. |
Retrieve Session Details: /events/{event_uuid}/sessions/{session_uuid}
Retrieve detailed information about a specific session within an event, including its schedule, capacity, ticket availability, and other key attributes.
→ Events view permission must be granted from the application to view the events session details.
Use Case
This endpoint is used to access granular details about an individual session, allowing attendees or organisers to view specific session-related information, such as start and end times, capacity, and ticket availability.
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
event_uuid | string | The unique identifier for the event. |
session_uuid | string | The unique identifier for the session to be retrieved. |
Query Parameters
This endpoint does not have any query parameters.
Request Body
No request body is required for this endpoint.
The response provides detailed session data, including session name, description, capacity, start and end times, and ticket-related information.
"session": {
"uuid": "SESSION_UUID",
"sell_session": BOOLEAN,
"status": STATUS,
"name": "SESSION_NAME",
"capacity": CAPACITY,
"display_name": "DISPLAY_NAME",
"description": "SESSION_DESCRIPTION",
"duration": DURATION,
"created_on": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ",
"updated_on": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ",
"occurrences": {
"uuid": []
"session_starts_on": {
"session_ends_on": {
"tickets": [
"uuid": "TICKET_UUID",
"quantity_sold": QUANTITY_SOLD,
"total_purchased_by_user": TOTAL_PURCHASED_BY_USER,
"pricing_details": [
"uuid": "PRICING_UUID",
"quantity_sold": QUANTITY_SOLD
Attribute | Type | Description |
sessions | Array of Objects | Contains a list of session objects. Each session includes details like the session's UUID, name, capacity, and other session data. |
sessions.uuid | String | Unique identifier for the session. |
sessions.sell_session | Boolean | Indicates whether the session is available for sale. Can be true or false. |
sessions.status | String | The current status of the session. | | String | The name of the session. |
sessions.capacity | Integer | The total number of available spots for the session. |
sessions.display_name | String | The display name for the session, which may differ from the internal name. |
sessions.description | String | A description of the session. |
sessions.duration | Integer | Duration of the session in minutes. |
sessions.image | String (URL) | URL of an image associated with the session. |
sessions.created_on | String (Timestamp) | The timestamp indicating when the session was created. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. |
sessions.updated_on | String (Timestamp) | The timestamp indicating when the session was last updated. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. |
sessions.occurrences | Object | Contains data related to the occurrences of the session, including the occurrence type and associated UUIDs. |
sessions.session_starts_on | Object (Datetime) | The start time of the session in both UTC and local time formats. |
sessions.session_ends_on | Object (Datetime) | The end time of the session in both UTC and local time formats. | | Array of Objects | A list of tickets associated with the session, including details like ticket UUID, quantity sold, and pricing details. | | String | Unique identifier for the ticket. | | Integer | The number of tickets sold for the session. | | Integer | The total number of tickets purchased by a user. | | Array of Objects | List of pricing details, including ticket UUID and quantity sold per price level. | | String (UUID) | Unique identifier for the pricing detail. | | Integer | The number of tickets sold at this specific price level. |
Paginated Responses
A paginated response includes two primary sections: a pagination header and a list of objects. Below is an example of a paginated response:
"pagination": {
"records": "RECORDS_COUNT",
"position": "POSITION",
"rows": "ROWS_COUNT",
"order_by": "ORDER_BY"
Attribute | Type | Description |
records | string | The total number of records available across all pages. |
position | string | The current position in the list of records being viewed. |
rows | string | The number of rows (or items) displayed per page. |
order_by | string | The column and order used to sort the records |