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» Attendances DELETE API Documentation

Delete Attendance: /tickets/{ticket_uuid}/attendance

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This endpoint deletes a specific attendance activity associated with a ticket. It allows event organisers to manage and remove attendance records if they are no longer valid or were added in error.


event.delete_attendance → Attendances delete permission must be granted from the application to delete attendance.

Use Case

Event organisers use this endpoint to delete an incorrect or redundant attendance entry for a ticket, ensuring accurate records for event tracking and reporting.

Path Parameters
Parameter Type Description
ticket_uuid string The unique identifier of the ticket attendance.
Query Parameters

This endpoint does not have any query parameters.

Request Body

No request body is required for this endpoint.


A successful request returns an HTTP status code 204 No Content, confirming the attendance record was deleted. No additional content is included in the response body. This ensures the removal process is complete, and the record no longer exists in the system.