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» Events DELETE API Documentation

Delete Event: /events/{event_uuid}

Try It Out

This endpoint is used to delete an event identified by the event uuid.

Use Case

Use this endpoint to permanently remove an event from the system, including all its associated data.


event.delete → Events delete permission must be granted from the application to delete event.

Path Parameters
Parameter Type Description
event_uuid string The unique identifier of the event to be deleted.
Query Parameters

This endpoint does not have any query parameters.

Request Body

No request body is required for this endpoint.


The response is empty, but the HTTP status code returned is 204 No Content, indicating that the session has been successfully deleted with no further content returned in the body.

Delete Event Session: /events/{event_uuid}/sessions/{session_uuid}

Try It Out

This endpoint is used to delete a specific session associated with an event. It allows the removal of a session by identifying both the event and session through their unique identifiers.


event.delete_session → Events delete permission must be granted from the application to delete event session.

Use Case

This endpoint is typically used when an event organiser needs to remove a session that was scheduled for an event, either due to changes in the event's schedule or cancellation of the session.

Path Parameters
Parameter Type Description
event_uuid string The unique identifier of the event to which the session belongs.
session_uuid string The unique identifier of the session to be deleted within the specified event.
Query Parameters

This endpoint does not have any query parameters.

Request Body

No request body is required for this endpoint.


The response is empty, but the HTTP status code returned is 204 No Content, indicating that the session has been successfully deleted with no further content returned in the body.